Thursday, April 9, 2009

38th Day of Lent


brandyglows said...

This video was very odd . . . and very moving. I thought it was a beautiful sort of commentary [like real hunger/thirst/nourishment vs. what we fill ourselves with [the image of the wine glass with the Burger King sign in the background was powerful]].

The guy that finally took it at the end looked kind of like the guy offering communion. Was he the same guy? Was that on purpose?

I'd like to say that if I were in that situation, I'd go up to him. But if I'm honest, I think I'd have to admit that I probably wouldn't have. I'd [more likely] have thought, "It's a good idea, but there is no way to tell what's in that grape juice [if it is grape juice] or who has touched that bread [which exposes what a germ-a-phobe I am]." (:

Anonymous said...

Brandy, you said it perfectly. I like to think I'd go up to the guy, but I'd wonder the same things you did about the bread and grape juice. I wish the first guy had joined the second guy in taking communion. "When two or three are gathered together in my Name, there am I also." We commemorate that this evening as we also commemorate Passover and freedom! for a nation of people, who would shortly be spending a lot of time with God, learning how to be God's people. Yet still they complained and quarrelled and turned away from God. We all haven't changed much - but God loves us. What a sweet, sweet, lovely miracle.

Unknown said...

that was very sweet and beautiful. It made me want to go out on the street and offer communion - what a wonderful idea